What's In A Name
Tamsin has a beloved stuffed dog that she (or we) has always referred to as "Puppy." We stayed a week with Kenji's sister...and with her dog, Jesse. Tamsin now refers to her puppy as "Jesse."
My Polite Daughter
While we were in Seattle, we went to the park a lot. One morning we were there rather early in the morning and there were several bums still sleeping in various spots. Tamsin said "hi" to every one of them.
Climb Every, um, Slide
One morning at the park, Tamsin was playing near the slide with some other kids - one was 18 months and the other was about 2.5 or 3. Anyway, they were all trying to climb the slide because...well, I don't know why. Anyway, Tamsin was halfway up the slide before I really figured out what she was doing. She managed to get to the top without any help from. The 18-month-old need a hand to get up and the older boy didn't make it all. My kid is stronger than the big boys.
Reading is Fun
We spend most of our vacation at Kenji's grandmother's house. Across from the stairs leading to her basement is a bookshelf. Whenever she had the opportunity (which was often), Tamsin would get a book (usually some kind of novel), sit on the bottom stair and "read" it.
2 years ago