Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Things Tamsin Says That Make Me Laugh

* She yells "stuck" while in her carseat.

* She calls her Etch-a-Sketch an "A-B-C-D"

* She calls the harmonica "Buffy"

* Whenever she cries for no apparent reason, we tease her about having a hard life. Now she'll say "Hard. Life" when she's crying.

* She gives hugs and says "Love you" to many things. "Love you, Daddy. Love you, Monkey. Love you, water."

*My sister Robyn is "Wawa" in Tamsin-ese. Robyn's daughter, Danika, is "Ca-la-la."

* Corn is "corner"

* She talks about Santa a lot. However, when asked if she wants to go see Santa, she very quickly and vehemently replies "No Sinta."

* She pretends to snore when she's playing "Sleeping."

* All deer (reindeer, regular deer, etc) are called "Oh dear."

My Little Genius

Here are some pictures of Tamsin in the snow. It took longer to dress her in snow-appropriate attire than it did for her to decide the snow is cold and she wanted to go in the house. And why do kids feel the need to eat snow? Whenever we walk out the front door Tamsin has to grab a handful of snow and put it in her mouth. Every. Single. Time. Why???? At least she has deemed the snow "Nummy."

And Now for the Genius Part

Some video of a pop quiz given to Tamsin just before Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What's In A Name?

Working Titles
Tamsin has always loved books. Her favorite toy is her books. Her language skills are now at the point where she can request each one by name. Sort of. Most of the names for her books are pretty obvious - Fish for One Fish Two Fish, Mooney for Marvin K. Mooney, Moon for Goodnight Moon and Duck for Cuddle for Little Duck. Others are a little more creative, like Mama Mama for Inside Outside Upside Down (from the last page of the book) or Sheep for Time for Bed (the cover). Bear could be Brown Bear Brown Bear or Baby Bear Baby Bear or Panda Bear Panda Bear. My personal favorites, though, are Goat for Dr. Seuss's ABC and Doctor No Monkeys for Eight SillyMonkeys.

More Names
Tamsin has started naming her Little People. The guy wearing a hard hat is named Hat. The girl in glasses is named, of course, Glasses. She'll run across the room screaming Glasses or Hat looking for these toys. I think this is hilarious.

Apparently Dr. Seuss ABC book is now BeeCees.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Little of Me and a Lot of Tamsin

It's Been an Unproductive Week
Things I was unable to do while my computer was broken:
  • Look up the number for the laptop repair place
  • File my unemployment claim - yes, there is a phone number, but I have no idea what it is
  • Entertain my child with endless viewings of Elmo's Song and Hey Ya on YouTube
  • Shop for various things like a holiday dress/outfit for Tamsin, step stool, Christmas gifts and a food mill
  • Add a shopping cart to Tamsin's wishlist
  • Watch TV - does anybody still watch when shows are actually broadcast?
  • Update my blog (I honestly had started an update before the computer died)
  • RSVP to a couple of parties
  • Prepare and print November invoices for my piano students
  • Send resumes to the few available marketing jobs in order to receive my unemployment benefit
  • Check my bank account balances
  • Check my credit card activity to make sure no one is using my missing card
  • Call the credit card company to report aforementioned card as missing
My Genius
I know it's a cliche, but I really do think that Tamsin is smarter than other kids. For example: Sometimes I put a hanger in her bedroom door hinge so that she can't shut herself in there - she can close doors, but is unable to open them. Her genius does have limits. Anyway, one night Kenji was putting her to bed and I was trying to close the door. I was unable to do so because of the hanger. Tamsin saw my struggles and repeated "hanger, hanger" several times. After complimenting her on her awesome problem solving skills, I closed the door. Of course, now she says "hanger" anytime we close her bedroom door, so I'm beginning to wonder if she thinks "hanger" means "close the door." Sort of the way she thinks "more" (both the sign and spoken word) means "I want that." Maybe she's just confused rather than intelligent.

I Don't Know What This Means
A couple of weeks ago, my brother's kids spent the night at our house. My 3 year old neice left her baby doll and Tamsin has adopted it as her own. (Parenthetical Sidenote: My neice, Callie, calls the doll Tamsin and Tamsin has decided the doll's name is Callie. I just think that's funny.) This is one of those dolls that will laugh, cry, or say "mama" depending on where you squeeze her belly. For the first few days, Tamsin asked us to make the doll laugh for her, and then she'd giggle back. Now, though, she asks us to make the doll cry. She is very insistent about it crying and becomes upset if we squeeze the wrong place and the baby laughs instead. Once we manage to find the magic cry button, she hugs the doll and pats its back, being a comforting mommy. So, at least she has some empathy. I'm a little worried about the potentially psychopathic need to "hurt" the doll first.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Photo Dump

Some pictures of my beautiful girl:

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stories From Vacation

What's In A Name
Tamsin has a beloved stuffed dog that she (or we) has always referred to as "Puppy." We stayed a week with Kenji's sister...and with her dog, Jesse. Tamsin now refers to her puppy as "Jesse."

My Polite Daughter
While we were in Seattle, we went to the park a lot. One morning we were there rather early in the morning and there were several bums still sleeping in various spots. Tamsin said "hi" to every one of them.

Climb Every, um, Slide
One morning at the park, Tamsin was playing near the slide with some other kids - one was 18 months and the other was about 2.5 or 3. Anyway, they were all trying to climb the slide because...well, I don't know why. Anyway, Tamsin was halfway up the slide before I really figured out what she was doing. She managed to get to the top without any help from. The 18-month-old need a hand to get up and the older boy didn't make it all. My kid is stronger than the big boys.

Reading is Fun
We spend most of our vacation at Kenji's grandmother's house. Across from the stairs leading to her basement is a bookshelf. Whenever she had the opportunity (which was often), Tamsin would get a book (usually some kind of novel), sit on the bottom stair and "read" it.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Um...Clever Update Title?

Saturday night, we were all sitting in the living room. Kenji was looking up music videos on Youtube. Tamsin was pulling books off the shelf. I was playing with my camera. Suddenly, Tamsin grabs a book (No Cry Sleep Solution), says "Bah-bye" and walks down the dark hall to her dark room. It was so random. Maybe nobody else will think it's funny, but Kenji and I couldn't stop laughing at her.

Now what?
We leave for vacation Friday night. Since we'll be driving something like 5 million miles, we decided we needed to get the brakes checked before leaving. So I dropped Tamsin off at my sister's house, took the car into Les Schwab and walked down the street to use the WiFi at a coffee shop. About 90 minutes after I got here, the technician called and said we needed to replace the brakes (not really a surprise). They'll be done sometime this afternoon. So what am I supposed to do for the next XX hours? There's only so much internetting one can do. And how much longer can I sit here without order another latte or something?

So, this vacation we're going on...
I'm worried it won't be an actual vacation. Exactly how does one relax with a 14 month old, in someone else's (un-babyproofed) house for 2 weeks? Not to mention the logistics of packing - how much of everything do we need? What am I going to leave behind only to discover Tamsin absolutely NEEDS it to avoid a meltdown. I can't handle the stress of this vacation. I think I'm ready to come home now.

More Tamsin
* We've been teaching her some sign language so she can communicate with us a little better. We taught her "all done" to let us know when she was done eating. In her head, though, it means "unbuckle me from this highchair/stroller/carseat so I can go play."
* When she wakes up in the morning, she makes her "all done" sign and hands me my glasses to let me know it's time to get out of bed.
* She dances to anything - any sound that's remotely rhythmic: the phone ringing, the sound of sandpaper, the clink of a spoon on my coffee mug, fireworks.
* For a while, all drinks in our house were either beer or water. My morning coffee was beer. Her morning milk was water. Now everything is just water, including beer.
* She would spend all day outside if given the chance. As soon as breakfast is over in the morning or she wakes up from her nap in the afternoon, she starts asking for " 'side" and brings me her shoes.
* This child loves shoes. She becomes ridiculously excited in shoe stores.
* Her words for "butterfly" and "pacifier" sound exactly the same: Biee.
* She somehow managed to save a phone number into my phone. Smart girl.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Words Tamsin uses but doesn't seem to understand:

Soft: used for all textures in her touch and feel books - even the prickly hedgehog texture gets a "soft" from her. Also used while hitting you in the face.

All done: This is actually a sign we taught her so she could let us know when she was finished eating. Except now she uses it any time she wants down from her chair, including when you first put her in it and she hasn't eaten a thing.

No: Used in response to any question. Also used when she's about to get into something she knows is forbidden.

Eye: She does know what an eye is. However, when asked "Tamsin, where is your eye?" she proceeds to poke mommy in the eye while saying it.

Ball: Again, this can be used correctly. Or it can be a piece of fruit. We've actually had to resort to hiding the fruit basket at mealtimes to stop the cries of "Ball, ball."

Bye-bye: She says this at random times during the day, but rarely when somebody is leaving.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

All Over the Place

It's Only Funny When It's Someone Else's Kid
Tamsin knows the word "no." She uses it in context about 90% of the time - the other 10% is just repeating the word over and over and over and over and...Anyway, when I say "no" to her, there's a 50/50 chance that she'll listen to me. The most annoying is when she's headed toward the garbage can, the hearth, the accidentally-left-open bathroom door, wherever, saying "nononono" as she walks. I always thought it was cute and funny when the parents of toddlers relayed stories of this nature. When it's my toddler? It's just annoying. OK, it's actually really cute and funny. She also says "uh-oh" as she throws pieces of food off her tray. I think that's pretty cute and funny and annoying, too.

My Brave Girl - or Not So Much
Tamsin had her 12-month well child visit yesterday. She received 2 vaccination shots and did not cry. A little screaming, but no tears. When I took the band-aids off later in the day, though, you'd have thought I was beating the poor child the way she cried and screamed. At the visit, though, she was 29.5 inches tall (70th percentile) and 20 lbs 1 oz (35th percentile). Looks like she's growing into a tall skinny girl.

Blog Visitors
Once upon a time, I mentioned I had signed up for Google Analytics to see how many readers I have. It also shows me where my readers live. After my last entry my blog must have been featured somewhere because suddenly I had readers from India, Brazil, Mexico, Sweeden, Honduras and Argentina. I really want these people to come back because I like the idea of being an international, cosmopolitan blogger.

Will Work for Food
I know this is the wrong time of year for students to start piano lessons, but I've been advertising for 2.5 weeks and have only had one tiny, little nibble. I need a lot more nibbles before the fall so that I can have a full studio. So, if you live in the Salt Lake City area and want piano lessons, please visit my new, not-so-state-of-the-art piano teacher website. Or, you know, just go there and critique it. Or, maybe, just visit it because you're curious. I'm good with any of those reasons. Because, of course, I'm tracking visitors to that site on my Google Analytics page.

Monday, June 15, 2009

It's Been a While

You'd think I'd have more time for blogging...
I lost my job 2 weeks ago. I can't help but be relieved and, well, happy about it. I hadn't been happy there for a long time - I remember wanting to quit within the first 6 months on the job. Kenji and I have talked about me becoming a piano teacher full time. But losing that set income for something less sure was too scary a step. But, now I have the opportunity to do it. And hope it works out. Fast. We can't have me without any income for very long.

She talks. And never shuts up.
Tamsin has a lot of words now - in addition to "boo" (chronicled earlier this year), she can say mama, dada, book (which sounds very similar to boo), wow, see, this (as a question) and cheese. She also says "baaa" and "datsy" a lot, but I haven't been able to figure out what they mean. I'll take suggestions on that.

Update: Right after posting this entry, Kenji informed me that Tamsin talks in her sleep. He went in to make sure her blanket covered her feet, she rolled over, held her hand up, said "see," then rolled back, all without waking up.

Only 4 Years left until the Big Itch
We celebrated our 3 year anniversary on the 20th. It's strange to think we've only been married for 3 years. It seems like a whole other life when I think back to the days before I met Kenji. And have I ever mentioned how great he is? He does all the yard work, shares cooking and cleaning duties, takes care of Tamsin and rarely complains even though I can be a nit-picky, naggy brat a lot of the time. Oh - and for anniversary gifts? I gave him a wallet and belt (3 is the leather anniversary) and he gave me a digital SLR camera. Yeah, I suck and owe him big time. But, I am totally loving that camera.

My Odd Child

Tamsin is a strange eater. Like many kids, she loves cheese. That has become one of her main sources of protein. She also loves beans - as long as they are black beans or baked beans. Pinto beans get thrown from her tray (one by one) and we'll try red beans tomorrow. She has eaten any veggie we've given her - peas and green beans are her favorites, though carrots rank pretty highly, too. But she won't eat fruit. No bananas, no peaches, no oranges, no mango, no grapes - you get the idea. Want to know what she will eat? Grapefruit and lemons - loves them. I don't get it. At all.

Birthday Girl
Tamsin turned one yesterday and we had a big ole party for her on Saturday. Just a few pictures (taken with the awesome new camera) chronicling the event:


Sharing dinner with her boyfriend

Opening presents with Mommy


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

And...She Walks

We actually taped this last week. Since then, she's managed to walk on uneven grass and also in sandles.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Two Little Things

My Need for Validation
I've found another way to validate my online self. I signed up for Google Analytics so that I can track readers of this blog. It appears there are 12 of you. Actually, I'm probably one of those 12. I might be 2 of those 12, now that I think about it since I access this blog from home and work so there would be 2 IP addresses. And I check for comments on a very regular basis. Because, you know, I need validation that people are reading what I write. I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you're enjoying it, too, since there are some repeat viewers according to the analysis. But, Yay! 10 readers.

Tamsin and her boyfriend are spending more time together. Last weekend she kept hitting him until he cried and then he tried to eat her hair. During dinner, they kept stealing each other's food. I'm telling you, these two are made for each other.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My New Favorite Commercial
I was watching other stuff online when this commercial came on. I laugh out loud every time I see it.

Seeing Double. Again

From my Facebook home page.
Feebee can't focus........
9 minutes ago

Katie cannot focus what so ever..
11 minutes go

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Calming Interlude

Match Made in Heaven
Sunday we went to the aquarium with Tamsin's boyfriend and his parents. He's five weeks older than her and, truth be told, they really haven't spent much time with each other. At any given time, one of them is sleeping (him) or having a meltdown (her). After the aquarium, we went to lunch and their highchairs were placed side by side. Silly girl couldn't keep her hands off of him. Actually, she was trying to grab his food, I think. Or she was hitting him.* But then, he was taking her bottle. And don't even get me started with the toys. Somehow, someday, these two little persons will look at each other and realize they've been in love since before their first birthdays.

*Tamsin was in a very hitty mood this weekend. When the waitress was leaning over the table, Tamsin was hitting her bum. I wonder if she's still too young to understand "personal space."

Lean, Mean Machine
I've been working out for about 2 months now. I usually get 3 to 6 workouts in each week. Whether I work out that day is very much tied to how Tamsin slept the night before - a good night means a workout day, a bad night means no energy. Anyway, I think I'm starting to see results. I can feel more tone in my thighs and glutes. Now, no one is going to look at me and think I have a toned body. In fact, most people looking at me will only see the layer of fat covering the more toned muscle, but *I* know it's there. Now I wish all that work would translate into a smaller dress size - I miss my clothes.

New Milestones
So, I posted the video of Tamsin's first word last week. What I didn't get on video was the unsupported step she took between the couch and her piano. This was followed by 2 steps at her uncle's house this weekend. And, apparently, 3 steps last night chasing me when I left the room. I'm so proud of her...and a little scared, too.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Countdown Begins OR Week 2

Day 8 - Sunday
Two birthday celebrations and I managed to avoid sugar at both of them. That was not an easy feat.

6 days to go.

Day 9 - Monday
Donut day again. Why did I choose 2 weeks instead of 1 week again? I'm beginning to wonder if sugar actually does serve a purpose...

5 days.

Day 10 - Tuesday
This is really starting to suck. Everything has sugar. Seriously, everything. Did you know that Wheat Thins have sugar in them? Why does a wheat cracker need sugar? Last night I told Kenji maybe I should relax my rules a bit, but this morning I think that's a bad idea. Maybe I need this second week of no-sugar to really understand how much I'm eating. Last week it was a fun little experiment. This week is driving home the point. It's still getting really old. I feel like I can't eat anything - there's only so much fruit a person can eat, y'know? Whatever.

Only 4 days left.

Day 11 - Wednesday
I kept dropping things all day. Do you think it's because I don't have enough sugar in my system any more? I'm just going to assume that's the cause rather than my natural propensity for clumsiness.

3 Days to go.

Day 12 - Thursday
Wow. I've been at this for 12 full days. Weird. I think what I'm missing most is grains. I don't eat a lot of bread, but I do like crackers. I really love multi-grain crackers with some cheese. But I have yet to find a cracker* that doesn't have sugar as one of the first few ingredients. It's really discouraging. Like I said before, there's only so much fruit my body can handle.

*We have some rice crackers that don't have sugar, but they don't really satisfy the grain craving. They're tasty (really tasty!), but it's just not quite right.

2 Days until the glorious sugar binge. Or you know, maybe just a chocolate bar.

Day 13 - Friday
I'm satisfying my sweet and grain cravings by eating a piece of whole wheat bread (that I made myself!) with honey. Hopefully eating this first thing in the morning will help me avoid the frustration I've been feeling later in the day.

1 Day left.

Day 14 - Saturday
Final day. I made it. As a retrospective, I really doubt my eating habits are going to change as a result of going without sugar for 2 weeks. I am more aware of how many products contain sugar, but, the truth is, I don't eat a ton of those products anyway. I did miss eating crackers, but that was about it. I know I shouldn't be eating a bunch of desserts and drinking sodas on a regular basis, so I only do it occassionally anyway. This has been a good and valuable experience, but, like I already said, I don't think I'll be eating too much differently in the future.

Day 15 - Sunday
I had chocolate-peanut butter rice krispie treats for breakfast.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Couple of Videos for Your Enjoyment

My Bi-Polar Baby

Possible First Word?
She was still saying "Boo" the next morning so I think she has put meaning with it...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Sugar Free - Week 1

Day 1 - Sunday
Not too bad. We don't usually have a ton of sugar products in the house, so it was fairly easy day. The walk through Costco with their free samples every 2 feet was a bit treacherous, but I made in through unscathed.

Day 2 - Monday
The donuts down the hall are taunting me. I've skipped the donuts on Monday morning before - it's not a big deal. But today, those donuts are just calling out my name. Mean donuts. Only 10-ish hours until I can satisfy my sweet tooth with grilled pineapple.

This was a tough day. Not only was it donut day, but someone brought in cookies from a nearby bakery. They have the best sugar cookies in the world. I probably looked like a freak of nature reading the ingredient lists on potato chip bags at Subway, but Salt & Vinegar flavor have no sugar - BBQ and Sour Cream & Onion flavor do contain sugar. I also discovered that my beloved teriyaki turkey jerky has sugar - which I should have known and probably suspected. But it still makes sad.

The grilled pineapple and pears were a lovely dessert, though.

Day 3 - Tuesday
It's the little things getting to me. Mainly at work. The Coke in the fridge, the hot chocolate on the counter, the candy in the snack drawer. Somehow cheese and rice crackers aren't cutting it for me.

Day 4 - Wednesday
I woke up with a nasty headache. I don't know if it's related to my lack of sugar or just because I get headaches sometimes. Hopefully some caffeine and fruit for breakfast will cure it.

Day 5 - Thursday
Today didn't seem so bad. I think Day 4 was the critical point. I did have fast-food nachos for lunch and I don't know if there was any sugar in my meal. But none of the various ingredients (tortilla chips, guacamole, beans, etc) traditionally contain sugar, so I think I'm good on that one.

Day 6 - Friday
I'm starving today. I don't know if that has anything to do with my sugar deprivation, but I think I could eat the entire contents of my refrigerator right now. The sugar cravings do seem to be pretty low, though. I would have loved a flavored creamer in my coffee this morning, but I'm OK without it.

Day 7 - Saturday
I miss chocolate. Halfway through my challenge - Yay!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Sugar Free

I've decided to spend 2 weeks not eating any sugar. I need to break the sugar habit. It's also an experiment in self-discipline.

Here are the rules:
No desserts or candy (obviously)
No sugar in my coffee
No fake sugar (which I don't like anyway)
As much natural sugar as I want - fruit is perfectly OK
Honey is OK as long as it's in something I would use honey for anyway - like in tea. A cake made with honey would defeat the purpose.
No sweetened processed/prepared foods - like flavored yogurt

Kenji is laughing at me for this. He doesn't think I can do it. Which, of course, makes me all the more determined to finish out my 2 weeks.

In preparation, I'm going to have sugar at every meal. For breakfast, I had a Reese's Peanut Butter Egg. I'll probably have something protein-ish in a minute.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Apparently I have no life outside of my kid

Sleeps Like A Baby Indeed
The other night, I was making salsa before going to bed. Our handy dandy chopper thing makes a very loud noise when you close it. Kenji set the security alarm when I was about halfway through the salsa chopping. Suddenly, the alarm went off, screeching loud enough for the entire world to hear. We've concluded that it was our glass-break sensor misinterpreting the sound of the chopper. Tamsin slept through the entire thing - not a whimper, not a cry, not even the slightest movement. How is that possible?

New Milestones
She's growing up so fast. Tamsin can now clap her hands - in fact, she loves clapping her hands. Yesterday, she also let go of her activity table and stood unsupported for about 10 seconds. She did it again a few minutes later. Baby girl is learning new things every day. Of course, she still doesn't hold her own bottle, but whatever.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Random Thoughts and Observations (Mostly about Tamsin, but whatever)

* Tamsin has a new face she makes when she's angry - she wrinkles up her nose, closes her eyes and sticks out her lips. What's great is that if you make the face back at her, she starts laughing.

* Tamsin has finally figured out how to say the "ma" sound. Except she uses it when she's whining. I now know what my future holds when she wants something and can say "Mama" over and over in a whiny tone.

* I'm beginning to wonder if Tamsin will eat better if I just put her food on the floor instead of on her highchair tray. It seems likes anything on the floor is fair game for going in her mouth, but if it's on her tray, it should be ignored.

* I saw a sign on my way into work today that said something about "This project is paid for by whatever the name of the stimulus bill is." I'm all for putting Americans to work and getting the roads cleaned up and all of that, but not on my commute, please. I really don't need a construction zone on my way to work every morning.

* Tamsin is a climber. She can't really walk yet, but the kid can climb:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Kid is Brilliant

Tamsin knows how to wave "bye-bye." I'm irrationally proud of her for it. And a little bit sad, too. My baby is all grown up.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

A Litany of Stories for Your Enjoyment

Baby Stories
So, I think Tamsin is the coolest, funniest kid in the world.* She cracks me up every. single. day. She loves giving (and receiving) raspberries. I get them on my neck, chest and wrist (doesn't work so well). Saturday morning, the oven door was getting raspberries.

*I honestly wonder if all babies are this funny, or if mine is particularly amusing. I tend to think she's particularly amusing, but maybe I just haven't been around other babies enough.

Yesterday, Tamsin was happily pulling things out of the diaper bag.* She found the extra pacifier we keep in it. She promptly spit out the pacifier in her mouth and replaced it with the pacifier she had just found. Then she saw the first pacifier sitting in front of her on the floor, promptly spit out the new pacifier and put the first one back in. Once again, she saw the new pacifier sitting on the floor, spit out the first one and replaced it with the new one. Rinse and repeat for about 4 or 5 changes. She continued to do this throughout the day whenever she came across a new pacifier while playing.** I may have even teased her with 3 pacifiers while putting her to bed.

*The diaper bag is fantastic treasure trove of toys, diapers, mommy's wallet and a million other things to discover and put in her mouth.

**I will get the endless pacifier exchange on tape. So far, whenever I try, she loses interest in the pacifiers and wants to grab the camera. Somehow, though, the video proof of her silliness will be obtained.

Stories of an Awesome Person
I just want to give kudos to the man who manages/owns my office building. He is seriously one of the nicest people I have ever met. His name is Dave and he will probably never read this blog. Every September, he has a Tenant Appreciation Luncheon for every person who works in the building. He brings in a band and has absolutely fantastic food for everyone. Each Monday morning, he provides fruit and donuts for the building. On the Monday before Christmas, he'll have quiche and sausage and I don't even know what else - just a lot of really yummy breakfast foods.

He calls me by name, even though we don't interact very often. One time in early January, I saw him in the hall when I was particularly frustrated about Tamsin being sick and mentioned it to him. Since that day, he asks how my baby is doing every time he sees me. Another time, he was having the bathrooms painted and I asked about the color, because I thought it would work in my house with our new floors. Rather than just tell me the name and brand, he actually gave me a partial can of paint so I could test it in the house. I'm telling you, this man is truly, honestly, genuinely just nice.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Brought to you by about 4 hours of non-consecutive sleep

Four Eyes, Four Eyes
This ad from Facebook totally freaks me out. I hate it.

Walk, Don't Run

Well, it's not really running. It's not exactly walking yet, either. But, I've just about decided Tamsin is not going to crawl. She scoots around really well and she'll get up on her knees to rock a bit, but then drop down to move. She can get from point A to point B pretty quickly on her belly and elbows. Usually, Point A is where I've put her down with some little toys and Point B is a piece of furniture (or a large toy, or the stove, or the baby gate, anything with a little bit of height) she can use to pull up to standing. She's been able to pull up to standing for 2.5 months. But she still has a hard time getting into a sitting position by herself. Kid just doesn't do anything the way you expect her to do it.

Why aren't you listening to me?
Tamsin sleeps in a pack-n-play in our room for much of the night. I'm too lazy to go to her room just to give her a pacifier in the middle of the night. Anyway, yesterday she woke up a little bit earlier than usual - or maybe just earlier than I wanted to get out of bed. So she pulled up to standing (while I scooted to the center of the bed so she couldn't grab my face or hair). Then I hear, "eh." We ignored it. Then, "Eh" a little more emphatically. Still ignored it. "EH! EH!" Guess I need to pay attention to her at that point, huh?

Tamsin had a lot of colds during her first 6 months - averaging one a month up to about 4 months and then one cold after another for almost 6 weeks. Then she had her 6-month well child visit. In the 2.5 months since then, she's had rotovirus, strep (what 6.5 month old gets strep?) and RSV with pneumonia. Oh, and ear infections. I'd gladly go back to the colds at this point.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Photo Dump

Some recent pictures of my kid. Ok the first one isn't so recent, but I just discovered it on the camera and I love it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

I Don't Have a Title Today

Memory is a Fickle Thing
After months and months of reading to her at least once a day, Tamsin has started recognizing her books. When you open the book, she giggles. And then she giggles at each page as you go through the story. So far, we know she likes Goodnight, Moon and 8 Silly Monkeys. She isn't showing the love for The Very Hungry Caterpillar or One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. It's a lot of fun reading to her now, knowing that she enjoys it and isn't just enduring it until I finally let her go to sleep.

It's Not Me, It's You
I seem to be very angry today. I'm seeing a lot of stupidity and one-sidedness all around me. It started early while watching the morning news. I saw a commercial for Energy Solutions - this company is evil, in my opinion. They basically want to make Utah into the world's radioactive garbage can and are currently running an ad campaign to paint themselves in a positive light. I'm not having any of it. I hate them. Later in the day, I basically told a message board person that she's racist. But I think people can be really narrow-minded sometimes and it makes my blood boil. I can't keep quiet. Especially today.

Monday, February 16, 2009

How Does One Punctuate Presidents' Day?

I’m pretty sure the last non-gifted white child was born in 1962 in Reseda, CA.
I had an obsessive parenting spell last week. I was half-convinced Tamsin was saying "Yeah" when we asked her questions. I have since realized that she is just making a noise that sounds suspiciously like "yeah" but has no real meaning. Anyway, during the spell, I posted on a Mothering magazine message board* asking when other babies said their first words. Well, it turns out, Tamsin is the dunce of group with her first maybe-possibly-probably-not word at 8 months old. According to a rough scan of the replies, the average age for first word is about 5 months and by 8 months she should have a pretty extensive vocabulary. But, seriously, people, if your 2-month-old happens to make the "Ma-ma" sound**, she's not calling to you. She's just trying out a new sound.

*The people who post on Mothering are an interesting mix. Generally, I get some good advice there. And I really admire the efforts these women make to live naturally, but there are some real whack-a-dos on that site.

**Tamsin refuses to say "Ma-ma." When I try to prompt her to say it, she just laughs at me.

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
I really love the word conundrum today. I keep coming up with scenarios in my head just so I can say, "It's a conundrum." It started with the message board inspired question of whether to post my Facebook status in first person or third person? It's a conundrum. And has escalated to, "Do I eat my soup first? Or my cottage cheese? It's a conundrum." I'm sure I will encounter many more conundrums throughout the day.

You like me. You really like me. Or not?
So last week, I waxed poetic on my love for message boards. What I didn't tell you is how obsessive I am about checking them - especially when I've written something. I'm always checking to see if someone has read and commented on something I've written. This is also the source of my Facebook addiction: I want people to read and comment on my status. I also want them to tell me my kid is cute*. I apparently seek personal validation from random internet people.

*Because she is cute. Anyone who denies it is blind.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Where Irrationality and Rationality Meet in Perfect Harmony

Will it lower her cholesterol by 4%?
Finally, we've found a solid food that Tamsin will actually eat. Cheerios. She won't eat more than about 5 bites of any puree or baby cereal. She spit out the avacado pieces we gave her. She's gagged on banana chunks and carrots, but she seems to like them OK. But she ate every Cheerio I gave her last night. Maybe this means she's a carb-person like her mommy?

My Own Private Focus Group
I have an irrational hatred of a commercial. I can't find it online, so here's a brief description:
I think it's for Chase. A man and a woman go into a restuarant and she starts reading the menu. He focuses in on the "cash-only" notice. So he runs outside and defies death trying to get to an ATM for cash. Meanwhile, she's just reading every. single. item on the menu, never looking up. She finishes the menu just as he gets back to his seat. Every time I see it (which is often since Chase seems to a major sponser of my local morning news), I can't help mentally tearing it apart. Why can't the guy just *tell* his date he doesn't have cash? And what restaurant only accepts cash in the first place? And who reads a menu, out loud, like it's a book, without ever looking at the person their talking to? Gah! I get angry just thinking about it.

From Hate to Love
I have an irrational love for online message boards. I've been a regular message board user since 2002. I met my husband on one. I am proficient in multiple message board formats. I spend an extraordinary amount of time browsing the boards I frequent. Yes, that is multiple boards. Did I not just say "irrational love" and "extraordinary amount of time?" If I have a problem, I go to message board land to solve it. If the problem can't be addressed by one of the boards I currently frequent, I go out and find one. When we bought our Nissan in November and I had questions, did I go to Nissan for answers? No. I went and joined a Nissan message board. I'm thinking another 12-step program may be in order here.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Here We Go Again

7 Days and Counting
I have worked out every night for a week now. I don't think I've ever actually done 7 days in a row before. Starting to feel it in my upper abs. Haven't seen any weight loss, yet, but working out has more benefits than losing inches, right? Right?

One Hand. Two Hands. Three Hands?
Tamsin has this toy that came with about 5 million little balls. The other day we were playing and I held three of the balls in front of her. She took one in each hand and banged them together. She looked at the third ball, still in my hand, looked at each of her hands and then leaned forward to pick up the ball with her mouth? To taste the third ball? I don't know but it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Nest Step: World Domination
I have followers. Four of them, in fact. Or this blog has followers. Nothing like totally whoring out the link all over Facebook to gain readers, huh? Anyway, I think I need to figure out what to do with these followers. Do you think if I start putting subliminal messages in here they'll eventually all bow to my will and do what I want?

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And the Beat Goes On...

Making Do
Tamsin has learned how to move the blanket for peek-a-boo. She starts smiling as soon as she sees I have a blanket to put over her head. She promptly tries to eat it before pulling it down to start play. Then she puts it up and down and up and down. Now, though, if I'm not fast enough with the blanket, she'll use her dress - lifting it up and down and up and down. I hope she's not still doing this in 15 years.

No Pain No Gain?
After years (4 years? 5?) of wanting it, I finally purchased the Yoga Booty Ballet exercise DVDs. I've done a different workout every night this week and I don't hurt. Well not much. How is that possible? Hopefully the lack of pain is a sign of a well-designed workout with sufficient warm up and cool down periods and not an indication that I'm not working hard enough.

I Think I Need an Intervention
I can't stay away from Facebook. It's becoming a serious addiction. So far this morning, I've changed my status twice, reconnected with 2 new friends and made probably half a dozen comments. And today is actually a good day. Is there a Facebook 12-step program?

Tamsin's Firsts
I don't have a baby book. This is the closest thing I've got to a journal. So, I'm going to record her milestones here before I forget them.

  • First smile: 17 days
  • First laugh: About 8 weeks? I almost missed it. I got out of the shower and heard her laughing in the other room. The Ocean Wonders Aquarium was really funny.
  • First Rollover: She rolled both directions on the same day. Front to back in the morning, back to front that night. September 26, 3.5 months old.
  • First tooth: The day before her 7-month birthday.
  • First thing she "watched" on TV: Obama's nomination acceptance speech. She thought the faces on TV were really interesting. (Yes, I know this isn't a "real" first, but it's cool just the same. She also watched the inauguration with me.)
  • What firsts am I still missing?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

This is from Facebook. Thought I'd put it here, too.

1 - When I read or hear a sentence (online, in a book, TV, radio, etc.) that is grammatically incorrect, I have to mentally correct it before I can go on.

2 - When I read a sentence that seems awkward, I mentally diagram it to make sure it it grammatically correct.

3 - When I read a sentence and just flat out don't like the wording, I mentally rewrite it.

4 - Apparently, I'm a sentence nerd.

5 - I always dress Tamsin in her cutest outfits on the days I'm home with her so that I can enjoy the cuteness. She can wear the other stuff on days when I'm at work.

6 - I spent 7 months living in Italy and speak virtually no Italian. It's rather sad, really.

7 - Speaking of Tamsin's clothing, she was in a cute dress for baby story time this morning while I was dressed like schlub in jeans and a stained t-shirt (didn't realize it was stained until I was on my way). What happened to the days when I actually took pride in my appearance?

8 - I don't really want to be a stay-at-home mom, but I don't want to work either.

9 - I have the most amazing husband. Seriously. He puts up with so much crap from me.

10 - I love the smell of wood. I don't know why but it's the best smell in the world sometimes.

11 - My house is almost never truly clean. Once in a while I'll clean a room or two, but most of the time it's pretty cluttered.

12 - I'm not a natural germaphobe - couldn't care less about germs really. But now that I have a baby who gets sick all. the. time. I have become super paranoid. I've even become one of *those* moms who puts a cover on the grocery cart before putting her baby in it. But you'd do it too if you're kid got strep at 6 months old!

13 - I have an irrational fear of those semis that carry cars - I refuse to be behind one at a red light. I just know that last car on the top - the one that's angled slightly downward - is going to come loose and crash through my windshield.

14 - I've started probably 30 blogs (maybe not *quite* that many) in the past 5 years. They each have maybe 2 entries. Whenever I get the blogging (or journaling) itch, I just start a new one.

15 - I don't think I'll ever get my ugly entryway painted - I just cannot decide on a color.

16 - I really don't think I'm interesting enough to come up with 25 random things. Honest.

17 - I went to law school for one year. Now I think I know everything there is to know about how the world works.

18 - When I was a kid, I wanted to be a fashion designer. Based on #7 above, that's really funny.

19 - After I wanted to be a fashion designer, I wanted to be an archeaologist. I seriously thought I would discover Atlantis or something.

20 - I have a degree in Public Relations. When I picked my major, I went with something "I could use." Now that I'm not using it, I wish I would have done anthropology or something more interesting.

21 - Whenever I buy a lottery ticket I really think I have a chance of winning and am disappointed when I don't.

22 - I just entered HGTV's dream home sweepstakes. Again, I think I have a real chance of winning and will probably look up schools and job prospects in Sonoma at some point.

23 - Along the lines of truly improbable, when I was a teenager, I wanted to be "discovered" by a modelling scout. Because modeling scouts are regularly in Huntington, UT.

24 - I watch a lot of TV online these days. This is what I do during Tamsin's naps rather than cleaning my ever-dirty house.

25 - I got nothing. But I finally reached 25.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Monday

Do you know any gypsies?
I've got a whiny baby who refuses to sleep and I'm considering selling her. Any buyers?

The Greatest Invention since Sliced Bread
I love the internet. I can satisfy my need to watch Super Bowl commercials without actually watching, you know, football. CareerBuilder won hands down.

Seeing Double
So, I just logged into Facebook, as I do several times a day. It's an addiction. The 2 most recent status updates are almost exactly the same. These are 2 friends who have no idea the other even exists. It's very bizarre.

Jennifer is back at work, wondering where the weekend
went. 8 minutes ago
Michelle is here, back at work, wondering WTF happened
to the weekend????? 19 minutes ago

Friday, January 30, 2009

In the Beginning

A New Perspective
I'm working (blogging) in the lobby of my office building. I drove my husband's car to work today and didn't think to bring my office keys with me. Fortunately, I'm able to access the company's wireless network. It's a little odd, sitting outside the office, looking in the windows, seeing the much more comfortable couch my company owns. Ah, well, only 30 minutes until another employee should be here.

A Little Bit of Heaven in Every Bite
I forgot how much I love brownies. Seriously love. I bought a premade dough thing (right next to the cookie dough) yesterday and I am having to use massive self-restraint to avoid eating the entire pan. I won't even say how many I brought with me to work. As soon as I get into the office and can get a cup of coffee, I'll be eating my brownies. Coffee and brownies is a nutritious breakfast, no?

Dry Run
Speaking of coffee, yesterday I tried to make it without water. I couldn't figure out why my coffee maker was broken. Yeah, that was bright of me. The worst part is that it's not the first time I've done it.

History in the Making
I'm spending an irrational amount of time gathering various things I've written from all over the internet. I've copied and pasted them all below for any reader's enjoyment.