Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday Monday

Do you know any gypsies?
I've got a whiny baby who refuses to sleep and I'm considering selling her. Any buyers?

The Greatest Invention since Sliced Bread
I love the internet. I can satisfy my need to watch Super Bowl commercials without actually watching, you know, football. CareerBuilder won hands down.

Seeing Double
So, I just logged into Facebook, as I do several times a day. It's an addiction. The 2 most recent status updates are almost exactly the same. These are 2 friends who have no idea the other even exists. It's very bizarre.

Jennifer is back at work, wondering where the weekend
went. 8 minutes ago
Michelle is here, back at work, wondering WTF happened
to the weekend????? 19 minutes ago


  1. Hey that's me! (Jennifer) Apparently Michelle and I share a deep subconscious connection.

  2. Rach I have to say the overstock commercial is the best just because we know someone in it. One of Maddys classmates is in it and is her old soccer coaches son. but still boycott overstock due to the inept ceo.
