Monday, February 9, 2009

Here We Go Again

7 Days and Counting
I have worked out every night for a week now. I don't think I've ever actually done 7 days in a row before. Starting to feel it in my upper abs. Haven't seen any weight loss, yet, but working out has more benefits than losing inches, right? Right?

One Hand. Two Hands. Three Hands?
Tamsin has this toy that came with about 5 million little balls. The other day we were playing and I held three of the balls in front of her. She took one in each hand and banged them together. She looked at the third ball, still in my hand, looked at each of her hands and then leaned forward to pick up the ball with her mouth? To taste the third ball? I don't know but it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Nest Step: World Domination
I have followers. Four of them, in fact. Or this blog has followers. Nothing like totally whoring out the link all over Facebook to gain readers, huh? Anyway, I think I need to figure out what to do with these followers. Do you think if I start putting subliminal messages in here they'll eventually all bow to my will and do what I want?


  1. I think that instead of subliminal messages you should start with a little reverse psychology.

  2. how come you aren't following mine? rude.

    the ball story made me giggle. Trajan does the same thing, when he has something in each hand, he'll use his mouth for the third object.

    we need to get the kids together soon. He misses his future wife. ;)
