Day 8 - Sunday
Two birthday celebrations and I managed to avoid sugar at both of them. That was not an easy feat.
6 days to go.
Day 9 - Monday
Donut day again. Why did I choose 2 weeks instead of 1 week again? I'm beginning to wonder if sugar actually does serve a purpose...
5 days.
Day 10 - Tuesday
This is really starting to suck. Everything has sugar. Seriously, everything. Did you know that Wheat Thins have sugar in them? Why does a wheat cracker need sugar? Last night I told Kenji maybe I should relax my rules a bit, but this morning I think that's a bad idea. Maybe I need this second week of no-sugar to really understand how much I'm eating. Last week it was a fun little experiment. This week is driving home the point. It's still getting really old. I feel like I can't eat anything - there's only so much fruit a person can eat, y'know? Whatever.
Only 4 days left.
Day 11 - Wednesday
I kept dropping things all day. Do you think it's because I don't have enough sugar in my system any more? I'm just going to assume that's the cause rather than my natural propensity for clumsiness.
3 Days to go.
Day 12 - Thursday
Wow. I've been at this for 12 full days. Weird. I think what I'm missing most is grains. I don't eat a lot of bread, but I do like crackers. I really love multi-grain crackers with some cheese. But I have yet to find a cracker* that doesn't have sugar as one of the first few ingredients. It's really discouraging. Like I said before, there's only so much fruit my body can handle.
*We have some rice crackers that don't have sugar, but they don't really satisfy the grain craving. They're tasty (really tasty!), but it's just not quite right.
2 Days until the glorious sugar binge. Or you know, maybe just a chocolate bar.
Day 13 - Friday
I'm satisfying my sweet and grain cravings by eating a piece of whole wheat bread (that I made myself!) with honey. Hopefully eating this first thing in the morning will help me avoid the frustration I've been feeling later in the day.
1 Day left.
Day 14 - Saturday
Final day. I made it. As a retrospective, I really doubt my eating habits are going to change as a result of going without sugar for 2 weeks. I am more aware of how many products contain sugar, but, the truth is, I don't eat a ton of those products anyway. I did miss eating crackers, but that was about it. I know I shouldn't be eating a bunch of desserts and drinking sodas on a regular basis, so I only do it occassionally anyway. This has been a good and valuable experience, but, like I already said, I don't think I'll be eating too much differently in the future.
Day 15 - Sunday
I had chocolate-peanut butter rice krispie treats for breakfast.
2 years ago
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